# Cursed API for ArchiveBox ArchiveBox [doesn't have a web API](https://github.com/ArchiveBox/ArchiveBox/issues/496) yet. This is shitty single-endpoint API to automate page archiving. It uses subprocess to run archivebox CLI. archivebox CLI runs in new thread to avoid blocking main thread. # Deployment You must deploy API to server which ArchieveBox runs. Make working directory, create virtualenv and install dependencies: ``` apt install -y git python3-venv mkdir -p /opt/cursed_archievebox_api && cd /opt/cursed_archievebox_api python -m venv env source env/bin/activate pip install bottle gunicorn git clone https://git.nxhs.cloud/ge/cursed-archivebox-api.git . ``` Start API. Set actual path to docker-compose.yml: ``` ARCHIVEBOX_BIN="docker compose -f /opt/archievebox/docker-compose.yml run archivebox" python cursed_archivebox_api.py ``` See also [cursed-archivebox-api.service](cursed-archivebox-api.service). Install service: ``` cp cursed-archivebox-api.service /etc/systemd/system systemctl enable --now cursed-archivebox-api.service ``` See logs: ``` journalctl -u cursed-archivebox-api.service -f ``` # Environment | Variable | Default | | ----------------- | --------------------- | | `ARCHIVEBOX_BIN` | `/usr/bin/archivebox` (default for non-Docker installations) | | `CURSED_PORT` | `9998` | | `CURSED_HOST` | `` | | `CURSED_SERVER` | `gunicorn` See [server backends](https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/deployment.html#switching-the-server-backend) | # GET /add Query parameters: * `url`. Resource URL * `depth`. Archive depth. Default: 0 (current page) * `tag`. List of comma separated tags e.g. `my_tag`, `my_tag,another_one`. Example request: ``` curl -i 'http://localhost:9998/add?url=https://example.com&depth=0&tag=api,example' ```