import os import json import logging import subprocess from multiprocessing import Process from bottle import run, get, request, response ARCHIVEBOX_BIN = os.getenv('ARCHIVEBOX_BIN') or '/usr/bin/archivebox' CURSED_PORT = os.getenv('CURSED_PORT') or 9998 CURSED_HOST = os.getenv('CURSED_HOST') or '' CURSED_SERVER = os.getenv('CURSED_SERVER') or 'gunicorn' logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s: %(message)s" ) def shell_exec(command: list, to_stdin: str = None) -> None: """Execute shell command and return output.""" pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if to_stdin: to_stdin = '%s\n' % to_stdin pipe.stdin.write(to_stdin.encode('utf-8')) pipe.stdin.flush() output, error = pipe.communicate() output = output.strip().decode("utf-8") error = error.decode("utf-8") if pipe.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(error) return output def run_bg_task(cmd): logging.debug('PID=%s Run "background" thread...', os.getpid()) shell_exec(cmd) logging.debug('PID=%s Background thread finished', os.getpid()) @get('/add') def add_to_archive() -> str: response.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') url = request.query.url or None depth = request.query.depth or None tag = request.query.tag or None cmd = ARCHIVEBOX_BIN.split() cmd.append("add") if depth: cmd.append('--depth=' + str(depth)) if tag: cmd.append('--tag=' + tag) if url is None: response.status = 400 return json.dumps({'msg': 'Error: No URL query parameter provided'}) cmd.append("'" + url + "'") logging.debug('PID=%s Command to run: %s', os.getpid(), cmd) taskrun = Process(target=run_bg_task, args=(cmd,)) taskrun.start() return json.dumps({'msg': 'OK'}) run(server=CURSED_SERVER, host=CURSED_HOST, port=CURSED_PORT)