// fdup - file duplicates finder // Copyright (C) 2025 Ge // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. If not, see . module main import os import cli import arrays import maps import hash.crc32 import hash.fnv1a import crypto.blake3 import crypto.sha1 import crypto.sha256 import crypto.md5 import runtime import term import time import x.json2 as json fn main() { mut app := cli.Command{ name: 'fdup' description: 'File duplicates finder' version: '0.2.0' usage: '[DIR...]' execute: find defaults: struct { man: false } flags: [ cli.Flag{ flag: .string name: 'hash' description: 'Hashing algorythm: blake3, crc32, fnv1a, sha1, sha256, md5 [default: fnv1a]' default_value: ['fnv1a'] }, cli.Flag{ flag: .int name: 'threads' description: 'Number of threads used for calculating hash sums [default: number of CPU cores]' default_value: [runtime.nr_cpus().str()] }, cli.Flag{ flag: .bool name: 'brief' description: 'Brief output, print plain easy to parse hashes and filenames only.' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .bool name: 'json' description: 'Print output in JSON format.' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .string_array name: 'exclude' description: 'Glob pattern to exclude files and directories [can be passed multiple times]' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .bool name: 'skip-empty' description: 'Skip empty files.' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .string name: 'max-size' description: 'Maximum file size in bytes. Files larger than this will be skipped.' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .bool name: 'remove' description: 'Remove duplicates.' }, cli.Flag{ flag: .bool name: 'prompt' description: 'Prompt before every removal.' }, ] } app.setup() app.parse(os.args) } fn find(cmd cli.Command) ! { hash_fn := HashFn.from_string(cmd.flags.get_string('hash')!) or { HashFn.fnv1a } nr_threads := cmd.flags.get_int('threads')! brief_output := cmd.flags.get_bool('brief')! json_output := cmd.flags.get_bool('json')! exclude_globs := cmd.flags.get_strings('exclude')! skip_empty := cmd.flags.get_bool('skip-empty')! max_size := cmd.flags.get_string('max-size')!.u64() remove := cmd.flags.get_bool('remove')! prompt := cmd.flags.get_bool('prompt')! if nr_threads <= 0 { eprintln('threads number cannot be zero or negative') exit(1) } mut search_paths := ['.'] if cmd.args.len > 0 { search_paths = cmd.args.clone() } // collect full list of files absolute paths mut file_paths := &[]string{} outer: for search_path in search_paths { if search_path != '.' { for glob in exclude_globs { if search_path.match_glob(glob) { continue outer } } } if !os.is_dir(search_path) { eprintln('${search_path} is not a directory, skip') continue } norm_path := os.norm_path(os.abs_path(os.expand_tilde_to_home(search_path))) os.walk(norm_path, fn [mut file_paths, exclude_globs, skip_empty, max_size] (file string) { for glob in exclude_globs { if file.match_glob(glob) || os.file_name(file).match_glob(glob) { return } } mut file_size := u64(0) if skip_empty || max_size > 0 { file_size = os.file_size(file) } if skip_empty && file_size == 0 { return } if max_size > 0 && file_size > max_size { return } file_paths << file }) } if file_paths.len == 0 { eprintln('nothing to do, exiting') exit(1) } eprintln('found ${file_paths.len} files, processing...') // split the files list into approximately equal parts by the number of threads mut parts := [][]string{} if nr_threads == 1 { parts = [*file_paths] } else if nr_threads >= file_paths.len { for path in file_paths { parts << [path] } } else { parts = arrays.chunk(*file_paths, file_paths.len / nr_threads) mut idx := 0 for parts.len != nr_threads { parts[idx] = arrays.append(parts[0], parts.last()) parts.delete_last() idx++ if idx >= parts.len { idx = 0 } } } // calculate hashsums in parallel mut threads := []thread map[string]string{} for i := 0; i < parts.len; i++ { threads << spawn calculate_hashsums(i, parts[i], hash_fn) } calculated := threads.wait() mut sums := map[string]string{} for s in calculated { maps.merge_in_place(mut sums, s) } // find and pretty-print duplicates dups := find_duplicates(sums) if dups.len == 0 { eprintln(term.bold('no duplicates found')) exit(0) } if brief_output { for hash, files in dups { for file in files { println(hash + ':' + file) } } } else if json_output { mut output := OutputSchema{ hash_fn: hash_fn.str() } for hash, files in dups { mut entries := []FileEntry{} for file in files { stat := os.stat(file)! entries << FileEntry{ path: file size: stat.size mtime: time.unix(stat.mtime) } } output.data << Duplicate{ hash: hash total: entries.len files: entries } } println(json.encode[OutputSchema](output)) } else { for hash, files in dups { println(term.bold(hash)) for file in files { stat := os.stat(file)! println('\t${time.unix(stat.mtime)} ${stat.size:-10} ${file}') } } } if remove { for _, files in dups { for file in files[1..] { if prompt { answer := os.input("delete file '${file}'? (y/n): ") if answer != 'y' { eprintln('skipped ${file}') continue } } os.rm(file)! } } } } struct OutputSchema { hash_fn string mut: data []Duplicate } struct Duplicate { hash string total int files []FileEntry } struct FileEntry { path string size u64 mtime time.Time } fn find_duplicates(files map[string]string) map[string][]string { mut dups := map[string][]string{} for _, hash in files { if hash !in dups { for f, h in files { if h == hash { dups[hash] << f } } } } for h, f in dups { if f.len == 1 { dups.delete(h) } } return dups } enum HashFn { blake3 crc32 fnv1a sha1 sha256 md5 } fn hashsum(file string, hash_fn HashFn) string { file_bytes := os.read_bytes(file) or { []u8{len: 1} } defer { unsafe { file_bytes.free() } } match hash_fn { .blake3 { return blake3.sum256(file_bytes).hex() } .crc32 { return crc32.sum(file_bytes).hex() } .fnv1a { return fnv1a.sum64(file_bytes).hex() } .sha1 { return sha1.sum(file_bytes).hex() } .sha256 { return sha256.sum(file_bytes).hex() } .md5 { return md5.sum(file_bytes).hex() } } } fn calculate_hashsums(tid int, files []string, hash_fn HashFn) map[string]string { eprintln('thread ${tid} started with queue of ${files.len} files') mut sums := map[string]string{} for file in files { sums[file] = hashsum(file, hash_fn) } return sums }