.\" vim: set filetype=groff: .TH PMGR 1 "2023-04-25" "pmgr 0.0.2" .SH NAME pmgr - proxy manager based on systemd user units. .SH SYNOPSYS .SY pmrg .OP \-ledrsjoRaAhv [\fIservice\fR] .YS .SH DESCRIPTION .PP pmgr is wrapper utility for systemd to manage user services for proxies. See example for SSH SOCKS-proxy in EXAMPLES section below. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-l list proxies .TP .B \-e \fIservice\fR enable (start) proxy .TP .B \-d \fIservice\fR disable (stop) proxy .TP .B \-r \fIservice\fR restart proxy .TP .B \-s \fIservice\fR show proxy status .TP .B \-j \fIservice\fR view proxy logs .TP .B \-o print PMGR_ENV_DIR .TP .B \-R run systemctl --user daemon-reload .TP .B \-a \fIservice\fR add to autostart .TP .B \-A \fIservice\fR remove from autostart .TP .B \-h print this help message and exit .TP .B \-v print version and exit .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP .B PMGR_WORKDIR Working directory. Deafult is ~/.config/pmgr .TP .B PMGR_ENV_DIR Directory for systemd environment files, depends on PMGR_WORKDIR by default. Default is $PMGR_WORKDIR/environment .SH EXAMPLES .PP For SSH SOCKS-proxy create template user unit ~/.config/systemd/user/ssh-proxy@.service with contents: .PP .in +4n .EX [Unit] Description=SSH tunnel to %I After=network.target [Service] Environment="LOCAL_ADDR=localhost" EnvironmentFile=%h/.config/pmgr/ssh-proxy@%i ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh -NT \\ -o ServerAliveInterval=60 \\ -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes \\ -D ${LOCAL_ADDR}:${LOCAL_PORT} ${TARGET} RestartSec=5 Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target .EE .in .PP Create environment file ~/.config/pmgr/environment/ssh-proxy@myserver with contents: .PP .in +4n .EX TARGET=user@myserver LOCAL_ADDR= LOCAL_PORT=1080 .EE .in .PP \fImyserver\fR may be a domain name, SSH Hostname (set in ~/.ssh/config) or IP address of remote server. Now you can enable your proxy with systemctl: .PP .in +4n .EX systemctl --user start ssh-proxy@myserver .EE .in .PP With pmgr: .PP .in +4n .EX pmgr -e ssh-proxy@myserver .EE .in .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR systemctl (1), .BR journalctl (1), .BR systemd.special (7), .PP https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/systemd/User