85 lines
2.4 KiB
85 lines
2.4 KiB
Execute shell commands on guest via guest agent.
Usage: na-vmexec [options] <machine> <command>
-c, --config <file> config file [default: /etc/node-agent/config.yaml]
-l, --loglvl <lvl> logging level
-s, --shell <shell> guest shell [default: /bin/sh]
-t, --timeout <sec> QEMU timeout in seconds to stop polling command status [default: 60]
-p, --pid <PID> PID on guest to poll output
import logging
import pathlib
import sys
import libvirt
from docopt import docopt
from ..session import LibvirtSession
from ..vm import GuestAgent
from ..exceptions import GuestAgentError, VMNotFound
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
levels = logging.getLevelNamesMapping()
libvirt.registerErrorHandler(lambda userdata, err: None, ctx=None)
class Color:
RED = '\033[31m'
GREEN = '\033[32m'
YELLOW = '\033[33m'
NONE = '\033[0m'
# TODO: Add STDIN support e.g.: cat something.sh | na-vmexec vmname bash
def cli():
args = docopt(__doc__)
config = pathlib.Path(args['--config']) or None
loglvl = None
machine = args['<machine>']
if args['--loglvl']:
loglvl = args['--loglvl'].upper()
if loglvl in levels:
with LibvirtSession() as session:
shell = args['--shell']
cmd = args['<command>']
ga = session.get_guest_agent(machine)
exited, exitcode, stdout, stderr = ga.shellexec(
cmd, executable=shell, capture_output=True, decode_output=True,
except GuestAgentError as gaerr:
errmsg = f'{Color.RED}{gaerr}{Color.NONE}'
if str(gaerr).startswith('Polling command pid='):
errmsg = (errmsg + Color.YELLOW +
'\n[NOTE: command may still running on guest '
'pid={ga.last_pid}]' + Color.NONE)
except VMNotFound as err:
sys.exit(f'{Color.RED}VM {machine} not found{Color.NONE}')
if not exited:
print(Color.YELLOW +
'[NOTE: command may still running on guest pid={ga.last_pid}]' +
Color.NONE, file=sys.stderr)
if stderr:
print(stderr.strip(), file=sys.stderr)
if stdout:
print(stdout.strip(), file=sys.stdout)
if __name__ == '__main__':