:title: reStructuredWeb :date: 2022-09-22 |rSW| v0.1.2 reStructuredWeb (rSW, reSW or rstW) — is a highly customizable static site generator for the *re*\ **Structured**\ *Text* markup language. Why another site generator? =========================== Hundreds of static site generators have been written with varying degrees of shittyness. Here are just some of the shortcomings of existing solutions: * Bad customization. If the task requires something that is not provided for in regular themes, then you have to strain. Editing a theme is an adventure. * Some of the solutions are extremely primitive and only fit narrow cases. Others, on the contrary, are overcomplicated. * There are very few generators with reStructuredText support. Why is reStructuredWeb better? ============================== * **Small codebase**. About ~300 lines in total. * **Doesn't depend on the presentation layer**. rSW just takes data from files and allows you to insert it into templates. That's all. In fact, this is enough for a static site generator. **rSW** is built on |Docutils|_ and |Jinja2|_. .. |rSW| image:: /rsw/img/rsw.svg :alt: [rSW] :align: middle :height: 3em .. |Docutils| image:: /rsw/img/rst.png :alt: Docutils :align: middle :width: 7em .. _Docutils: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/ .. |Jinja2| image:: /rsw/img/jinja.png :alt: Jinja2 :align: middle :width: 3em .. _Jinja2: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/